Thursday, November 1, 2007

My iPod Touch/iPhone wishlist

With Steve Jobs announcing that an SDK will be released for iPhone its time to create a wish-list of top 5 applications. Now, I'm not a desktop/mobile app developer myself but I'm quite sure these can be easily implemented with a standard API:

  1. A skype client on iPhone - this would be awesome, ATT and O2 might hate me for this but I don't care as long as the hardware and OS can support this. How great would be to make calls over skype when I'm in wifi range
  2. Use something like Airtunes to stream music to remote speakers through Airport express base station (just like iTunes)
  3. Bonjour - is the hardware there in the portable devices?
  4. GTalk with voice support - 90% of my contacts are on GTalk
  5. Wireless data (not necessarily music) transfer
Corrections (because of technical feasibility) and suggestions welcome :)


NaVeed said...

i love your wishlist..hope that something the same comes out for ipod touch as well :D

Unknown said...

I completely agree on the Airtunes necessity and I would like to add a few of my wishlist items for the Touch: Movie/Video Preview/Purchase/Rental through iTunes wireless store; Podcast/Videocast browsing and download on iTunes wireless store; iTunes radio streaming channels; and an Ebook reader.

Bon said...

I'd like the Ipod touch to have the following functions in addition to those already mentioned
1) it should have the ability to be a wireless trackpad for my desktop computer
2) It should have shopping lists linked to recipes (macgourmet will be making software but their shopping list needs work)
3) to do lists in mail
4) ability to print
5) ability to save docs
6) ability to access time capsule - time capsule lists its targeted use as the ipod touch and iphone so it's coming
7) universal remote
8) garage remote
9) sprinkler remote
10) thermostat controller
11) dictionary
12) bible with keyword search ability

Bon said...

should also have a business and scientific calculator

Bon said...

i would like the following software made for ipod touch
1) Mirosoft Office
2) Iwork
3) games

Since the timer needs speakers it should be able to make timer alarm go off through wireless base station speakers.

Bon said...

apple should have stuck an audio output jack on time capsule. Sure they wanna make you buy the itunes base stations but I want less wires and gadgets. Apple, please put an audio jack on the time capsule. If you wanna sell more gadgets start selling car stereos/nav systems. The current ones are lame...they feel outdated already.

Bon said...

oh yeah I want it to be a check register. I can make one in excel or numbers if it's supported but i prefer a stand-alone application.

Also, more websites need to have versions optimized for ipod btouch and Iphone